Skripsi: Efektivitas Presentasi Video Dalam Pelatihan Pengemudi Taksi

Efektivitas Presentasi Video

Dalam Pelatihan Pengemudi Taksi

(Skripsi Jurusan Komunikasi Massa LSPR)



Nama : Ferlin Marcini Mogot
NIM : 2005.09.0009
Judul Skripsi : Efektivitas Presentasi Video Dalam Pelatihan
Pengemudi Taksi (Studi Deskriptif Pada Peserta Pelatihan Pengemudi Taksi Blue Bird)
Jumlah Halaman : 5 Bab, 114 halaman, 3 gambar, 35 tabel, 6 Lampiran
Referensi : 32 buku, 2 Kamus, 4 Website
Skripsi ini secara khusus membahas mengenai efektivitas presentasi video dalam pelatihan pengemudi taksi dengan studi deskriptif pada peserta pelatihan pengemudi taksi Blue Bird. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi untuk mengetahui efek presentasi video pada pengemudi taksi dalam pekerjaannya setelah menyaksikan video tersebut.

Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Peneliti menggunakan beberapa teori komunikasi, komunikasi organisasi, model komunikasi Shanon Weaver yang ditambahkan jalur feedback dan juga teori lainnya untuk mendukung permasalahan peneliti dalam melakukan penelitian ini. Sedangkan tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimanakah efektivitas presentasi video dalam pelatihan pengemudi taksi berdasarkan dampak kognitif, dampak afektif dan dampak konatif.

Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah sampel pengemudi yang mengikuti pelatihan di Kantor Training Center Blue Bird Group, Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta Timur. Teknik sampling yang digunakan peneliti adalah sampel probabiliti (probability sampling) dengan cara penarikan sampel acak sederhana (simple random sampling). Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan peneliti adalah dengan cara membagikan kuesioner pada responden dengan harapan mendapatkan hasil penelitian yang objektif.

Berdasarkan penelitian dan perhitungan yang dilakukan, secara keseluruhan telah diperoleh hasil bahwa pada umumnya seluruh responden memberikan jawaban yang setuju pada efektivitas presentasi video sebagai media komunikasi dan pendidikan yang memberikan dampak kognitif, dampak afektif dan dampak konatif/ behavior pada pekerjaan mereka.

Untuk melihat skripsi lengkapnya, klik link-link berikut:

Seminar Report: Media Revolution, The New Era of Media

This is the final report for the LSPR (The London School of Public Relations-Jakarta) seminar that I did with my team for ‘Media Revolution Seminar, The New Era of Media’ in December 2008. Hopefully this report will be useful for people that wants to make seminar or event report. 

Part 1:

Click the image below to read the 1st part of the report


Cover Seminar Report


1st Part Seminar Report

Table Of Contents:

  • Cover
  • Acknowledgement
  • Preface
  • Chapter I: Background
    A. Objective and Function
    B. Job Description: Chief Coordinator, Deputy Chief, Treasurer, Secretary, Media Relations and Promotions Division, Program Division, Creative Division, Production Division, Equipments and Properties Division, Hospitality Division
  • Chapter II: Activities Profile
    A. History
    B. Vision
    C. Mission
    D. Objective
  • Chapter III: Activities Process
    A. Supervision Process
    B. Activity Preparation
    C. Activities on The Day
    D. Obstacles
  • Chapter IV: Responsibility Report
    Chief Coordinator, Program Division, Secretariat Department, Production, Treasure Department, Media Relations and Promotion, Creative Deaprtment, Documentation Department, Equipment and Properties Department, Hospitality Department
  • Chapter V: Conclusion
    SWOT Analysis
  • Attachment: 
    Organization Structure
    Team Contact Data
    Meeting Attendance Log
    Rundown Seminar
    Checklist Pengisi Acara Seminar and Charity YOAI
    Rundown YOAI Charity with Celebrities
    Accounting Journal
    Gant Chart: General Schedule Seminar Media Revolution

    MOU KompasTV dan  Penyelenggara Seminar
    MOU Penyelenggara Seminar Media Revolution dengan YOAI
    MOU dengan Mal Ambasador
    Sponsorship Status List
    Undangan Media Konfrensi Pers ‘Acara Amal Artis Untuk YOAI’
    MOU KompasTV dan  Penyelenggara Seminar
    MOU Penyelenggara Seminar Media Revolution dengan YOAI
    MOU dengan Mal Ambasador
    Sponsorship Status List
    News Article
    Photo Attachment
Part 2: 

Click the image below to read the 2nd part of the report

Live Streaming Page Med Revo Sem


2nd Part Report includes:

Seminar Proposal in English

Seminar Proposal in Bahasa Indonesia

Proposal for YOAI Charity Event with Celebrities

Thesis: The Marketing Communication Strategy of Blue Bird Taxi

To get a better understanding about this, please start reading from the first post of the series. 


THESIS: The Marketing Communication Strategy of

Blue Bird Taxi To Maintain Market Leader Position After Using The Highest Tariff:



How does a company create a marketing strategy, marketing communication (marcom) strategy or become the market leader? How can you create one and what are the steps?

Every company tries to sell their product or services and maximize their revenue. However, the market nowadays is very dynamic and becomes more and more competitive. You need to find your customers/ consumers and communicate to them. This can be done strategically by using a set of guidelines.

Hey everybody!… welcome to this blog post.

The following series of blog is my thesis that I wrote when I was studying at the Post Graduate Program, The London School of Public Relations – Jakarta. My thesis adviser was Mr. Tunggul Pannindriya. 
This thesis is a case study about how Blue Bird Taxi created their marketing communication strategy to maintain their market leadership in 2010 – 2011. 

In general, the steps in order to come up with the strategy plan are:

  1. Background study, Problem Statement & Objective
  2. Marketing Strategy  : Segmenting, Targeting & Positioning
  3. Competitive Advantage Marketing Strategies: Competitor Analysis, Competitive Strategies, Competitive Position Strategies, Competitive Move Strategy
  4. Marketing Tactics/ Marketing Mix  : Product, Price, Promotion, Placement, People, Process & Physical Evidence.
  5. Marketing Communication Strategy: Marcom Plan & Marcom Mix
  • Marcom Plan  : Identify Target Audience, Analyze SWOT, Determine Marcom Objective, Develop Strategies & Tactics, Determine The Budget, Evaluate Effectiveness
  • Marcom Mix    : Sales Force, Advertising,  Sales Promotion, Direct Marketing,  Public Relations, Sponsorship, Exhibition, Corporate Identity, Packaging, Point of Purchase, Word of Mouth, Internet

On my thesis you can see the above theory applied in detail to my topic. For more explanation, please read it on this blog. On the top of this post you can find a list of blog links corresponding to this

At first when I was writing my thesis I was going to use the SOSTAC theory by Paul Smith. However, one of my lecturers mentioned that the theory is copyrighted so I cannot use it and had to change it so I used the one mentioned above. I was disappointed but got over it 🙂

Fyi, SOSTAC is the abbreviation of Situation, Objective, Strategy, Tactic, Action and Control. The system can be used to create any kind of strategy besides marketing and marcom. I think it’s very efficient and easy to remember.

I hope you find this post useful. I look forward to hearing your comments. 🙂

Here is the front page cover:




 Presented by:

                   Name                           :  Ferlin Marcini Reynaldo M.

                   Student ID               :  1660.302.2008

                   Concentration      :  Marketing Communication

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Magister Ilmu Komunikasi Degree



The Postgraduate Programme of

Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi

The London School of Public Relations – Jakarta


APRIL, 2011 

Strategic Issues Management: The Indonesian National Police (POLRI) Image Restoration Program

Do you or your institution have a public relation issue problem? How do you solve it? What are the steps you have to go through?

Everyday there are people, institution, products that are having PR issues such as workers going on strike, a product being labeled as toxic, a President having an affair and many others. All this issues can cause people that are your public to lose trust in you. If it is left not managed, then the business side will also suffer such as decline in sales and stock value. This issues needs to be managed strategically.

Hey everybody!,… welcome to this blog post.

The following series of blog is the final assignment that I did in order to get a certificate in Strategic Issues Management from Edith Cowan University. My class was taught by Mrs. Ida Bayuni & Mr. Kim Harrison at the Post Graduate Program, The London School of Public Relations – Jakarta.


This course is about how an institution can handle their public relation issues by using a set of guidelines to come up with a strategy plan. The steps in order to come up with plan are:

  1. Background
  2. Issue identification
  3. Related organization
  4. Identifying the public
  5. Potential life cycle of the issue
  6. Communication Management Plan

The Communication Management Plan is breakdown into a couple of sections, which are:

  1. Problem
  2. Situation analysis
  3. Goal
  4. Primary focus component of the plan
  5. Objective
  6. Strategy & tactic
  7. Creative persuasive strategy
  8. Evaluation
  9. Timeline
  10. Budget

In the paper assignment that I made, you can see these guidelines being applied to an issue as a case study. I chose a topic which was current at the time I was taking the course during the year 2009. The topic was about the issue POLRI, The Indonesian National Police, was having specifically about a high ranking police officer that was involve in a high profile murder case. In general  POLRI’s image is not trusted by society as a law enforcer because people view them as corrupt.

For more explanation about the strategic issues management that I have written, please read it on this blog. On the bottom of this post you can find a list of blog links corresponding to this

I hope you find this post useful. I look forward to hearing your comments. 🙂


Here is the front page cover:







Stage III







 Prepared by:

Ferlin Marcini R. Mogot




Post Graduate Program Acceleration IIIB Honor







Blog Links

Strategic Issues Management: The Indonesian National Police (POLRI) Image Restoration Program:

Media Revolution Webinar (Web Seminar) part I


Media Revolution Keynote Speaker

by Candy H. Tolosa, Head of Media Center of LSPR
and Ferlin Mogot, Chief Coordinator of seminar

 The seminar starts by the opening remarks of Candy Tolosa, Head of the Media Center of LSPR. She mentions on how the advancement of communications technology can improves and transform many fields or industries,  and why people should cope up with its advancement.

Ferlin Mogot, Chief of Seminar, explains who are the key players of the internet media revolution in Indonesia. He also mentions on how people and companies can broadcast their profile live through the internet.  


The Media Revolution in Your Hand : XL Webinar

Click to watch the full XL web seminar

XL, or PT Excelcomindo, is one of the leading GSM operator service provider and also the pioneer in providing Blackberry services in Indonesia. In this webinar, the XL Corporate Communications team will share with us and showcase the mobile media revolution thats taking place and what to anticipate in the next development of mobile technology. 

Harry Deje, Communication Services Manager of XL, will explain the mobile internet media revolution thats currently happening nowadays from the perspective of the technology provider/ creator, including:
-what are the development process of cellular technology and the capabilities of each development

-how does this effect people’s lifestyle in using the media
-how does this effect businesses of PR and media
-what are XL’s strength as a GSM operator in this media revolution
-what are the business opportunities available in this internet mobile revolution 

Plus, Richard Barimbing of XL Portal Management, will showcase XL’s value added services through an interactive demo of their 2G & 3G services.

Acara Amal Untuk Anak-Anak Kanker YOAI

Selain mengadakan seminar media revolution, kami juga mengadakan acara amal untuk Yayasan Onkologi Anak Indonesia (YOAI). YOAI adalah yayasan yang membantu pengobatan anak-anak penderita kanker. Melalui acara amal ini kami ingin memperkenalkan YOAI lebih luas ke masyarakat dan mengumpulkan dana amal untuk YOAI. Acara yang kami adakan adalah:

1. Lelang lukisan anak-anak YOAI (November s/d Desember 2008)
Acara ini melelang lukisan yang dibuat oleh anak-anak YOAI kepada calon donatur dan diikuti oleh Blue Bird Group, Yayasan Pesona Pribadi Sejahtera, Creative Indigo & Ibu Lia A.

Myra Aulia dari Creative Indigo (kiri), peserta lelang lukisan amal YOAI

Myra Aulia dari Creative Indigo (kiri), peserta lelang lukisan amal YOAI

Tony Liandouw dr Blue Bird Group (kiri) peserta lelang lukisan amal YOAI

Tony Liandouw dr Blue Bird Group (kiri) peserta lelang lukisan amal YOAI

Prita Kemal Gani (kiri), peserta lelang lukisan amal YOAI

Prita Kemal Gani (kiri), peserta lelang lukisan amal YOAI

2. Press Conference untuk acara amal YOAI di Mal Ambasador, Rabu, 17 Desember 2008
Acara ini memberi info kepada para wartwan/ media tentang acara YOAI pada tanggal 20 Desember. Press conference ini didukung oleh Manajemen Mal Ambasador & Bpk Andreas; Maribeth, Radel Lopez & Candy Tolosa dari London School (LSPR); Saipul Jamil; Emerson Asia Pasific, Creative Indigo, tabloid XO (Extreme Shot),, Kasak-kusuk (SCTV), WAS-WAS, dan Insert (TRANSTV)

Maribeth & Radel Lopez di pres conference YOAI

Maribeth & Radel Lopez di press conference YOAI

Liputan media di press conference YOAI

Liputan media di press conference YOAI

panitia mahasiswa London School (LSPR), Ipul Jamil, pengurus YOAI

panitia mahasiswa London School (LSPR), Ipul Jamil & pengurus YOAI

3. Acara amal di Mal Ambassador pada Sabtu, 20 Desember 2008.
Acara ini didukung oleh Ria “Warna”, Bona Java, Big Voices, Putri, Prima & Bobby Yoseph.

Ria Warna di Amal Bersama Artis utk YOAI

Ria Warna di Amal Bersama Artis utk YOAI

Bobby Joseph di foto Amal Bersama Artis utk YOAI

Bobby Joseph di foto Amal Bersama Artis utk YOAI

Bintang sinetron, Putri, bersama anak-anak YOAI

Bintang sinetron, Putri, bersama anak-anak YOAI

Grup musik Big Voices

Grup musik Big Voices

Saipul Jamil & grup Bona Java

Saipul Jamil & grup Bona Java

4. Live streaming broadcast YOAI dan pemutaran video profile YOAI pada Sabtu, 20 Desember 2008.
Acara ini didukung acara: Nina Taman.

Nina Tamam menerima kenangan dari Retno YOAI

Nina Tamam menerima kenangan dari Retno YOAI

Keseluruhan acara ini berhasil mengumpulkan sumbangan sebesar Rp 14.000.000,- yang diterima langsung oleh YOAI, dengan perincian sbb:

  • Lelang lukisan Yayasan PPS: Rp 2.500.000
  • Lelang Lukisan PT BBG: Rp 2.500.000
  • Lelang Lukisan Creative Indigo: Rp 3.000.000
  • Lelang Lukisan Ibu Lia A. : Rp 2.000.000
  • Sumbangan pengunjung di Mal Ambasador, 20 Des 08: Rp 3.102.000
  • Sumbangan transfer rekening Bpk. Richard: Rp 1.000.000

Total Rp 14.000.000,-

Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh pihak yang telah mendukung acara ini melalui bantuan dan sumbangan anda untuk anak-anak kanker YOAI. Semoga Tuhan membalas kebaikan anda semua.

Anda juga dapat membantu YOAI dengan memberikan sumbangan, mengadakan acara amal, menjadi relawan, dll. Silakan hubungi mereka dengan mengunjungi

(ferlin mogot)

Seminar Media Revolution



Seminar MEDIA REVOLUTION – 20 Desember 08

Tema: Internet Broadcasting, Handphone as a Media & Social Media

Tempat: Auditorium LSPR,
Lantai 3, Kampus B, The London School of Public Relations – Jakarta
Sudirman Park, Jl. KH Mas Mansyur Kav 35, Jakarta Pusat

Waktu: 10.00 – 15.30 WIB

Keynote Speaker:

Mohammad NUH/ Menkominfo RI

Sesi 1 : TV Media Revolution & Gadgets

Tema : Perkembangan Internet TV dan handphone sebagai media


– Edi Taslim / Business General Manager

– Harry Deje / Communication Services Manager XL

Sesi 2 : Social Media Revolution: Power to the People

Tema : Eksis di Media Online

Pembicara :

– Andrew Darwis / Founder KASKUS Networks

– Danny Wirianto / Chief Marketing Officer KASKUS Networks

– Tristram Perry / Public Diplomacy Officer – Embassy of the United States

Acara 3 : YOAI Charity Show with Celebrity

Featuring: NINA TAMAM


Rp. 50.000 for LSPR student
RP. 75.000 for Public

Yunny: 0817.980.1715

Kezia: 0817.136.628



Penjelasan tentang seminar: Perkembangan New Media

Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi internet dan telekomunikasi, media pun menjadi ikut berubah. Oleh karena itu beberapa perusahaan media broadcast dan cetak melengkapi perusahaannya dengan membuat media website. Kini banyak media mulai melengkapi websitenya tersebut dengan situs yang menyiarkan secara langsung tayangan video di internet (live streaming) seperti, sehingga dapat diakses secara internasional maupun nasional.
Bahkan Media TV sudah dapat diakses secara On Demand melalui situs seperti sehingga membuat “prime time is every time”. Di bidang telekomunikasi, media TV dapat diakses secara mobile oleh handphone melalui jaringan selular sehingga ponsel kini juga menjadi sebuah alat media. Bagaimana persaingan New Media ini dengan media elektronik dan cetak yang telah ada?

Selain itu, kini telah terbentuk masyarakat online melalui situs Social Media seperti Youtube, Myspace, Friendster, Facebook, dan situs Blog. Di sini masyarakat saling berinteraksi dan juga membuat konten yang dapat mempengaruhi opini publik, seperti terpilihnya Barack Obama sebagai Presiden AS pertama yang berkulit hitam.
Social Media ini membuat semua orang mempunyai kesempatan yang sama dengan perusahaan media dalam menyatakan pendapat dan membuat konten, baik yang bersifat positif dan negatif.

Pada seminar ini, kami akan menampilkan pembicara dari sudut pandang:

-pemerintah: Menkominfo
-media pembuat konten: Kompas TV
-pembuat/ penyedia teknologi: XL
-masyarakat online Indonesia: Kaskus Network
-masyarakat online AS: Kedutaan AS

Presented by:
Sebelas Duabelas, Mass Comm 9
STIKOM The London School of Public Relations-Jakarta

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